Hockey and allergies and this and that

Oh man, my allergies are killing me. My eyes are dry and sore and my sinuses are bad. This sucks.

In other news, we had a hockey party here at the house and the Sioux beat the Gophers 6-3. It was a truly spectacular game and great fun to get together with friends. Tomorrow night we're heading to a sports bar to meet up with around 50 other fans here to cheer on our team. It's nice to live in a town with such a large Sioux fan base. new Sony Reader arrived and it is fabulous. I'm going to have to make a side-by-side comparison review before I send in the old one. So far, with the new Reader, Calibre "sees" it consistently (unlike the PRS500), the pages change faster, and the screen is crisper.

Well, I should go upstairs and let Nick rub my back and generally make me feel better. And read for a bit. I'd say on the Reader, but I have Running Hot by Jayne Ann Krentz out from the library, so I'm going to finish that first.

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