Anything For Her Children by Darlene Gardner

Title: Anything For Her Children
Author: Darlene Gardner
Published Date: May 2008
Series: Suddenly a Parent
Rating: C+/B-
Previous books of author enjoyed (if any): n/a
New to me author?: Yes

The bond Keri Cassidy shares with her adopted kids couldn't be stronger if they were her own flesh and blood. So when coach Grady Quinlan suspends her teenage son from the basketball team, the fiercely protective single mother is fit to be tied. Until she uncovers the scandal in Grady's past.

Grady claims he's innocent of any wrongdoing. In spite of evidence against him, Keri finds herself believing Grady when no one else does. But how can she trust a man who threatens her son's future? She doesn't want to have to choose sides. But she may have already made a choice. If she has the courage to follow what her heart is telling her.

I really enjoyed this one. Keri adopted the children of a co-worker when it was apparent that unless she did, they were bound for foster care. So she's a fairly young woman (around 25) with a teenage son and slightly younger daughter. I really liked her and could see how she was so reluctant to believe things about her son when they've been through so much. (and non-related, but Tux is lying on my lap, kneading his claws into my shorts and resting his chin on my left arm. And purring. Loudly.)

Grady is also a likeable guy. His teaching philosophy is not making him popular, but he sticks to his beliefs. I could understand how hurt he was when Keri didn't believe him about some things in the story. He's such a nice guy. It was good to not have a crazy alpha he-man as a hero for once.

Anyways, it's a pretty low-key story, but it kept my interest and I found myself really liking the characters. There's a few little side stories involving Keri's children that actually worked quite well and rounded out the feel-good-ness of the whole story. So, if you want a cute, sweet story, this is a nice one. It's nothing terribly special, but it's a nice way to spend a couple hours and didn't have any annoying moments.

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