Wow, been a long time.

Oops, I last blogged in October!

Had a rough night last night as L decided to wake up multiple times in the night. It was easy to put her back down each time, but I don't do well with fragmented sleep. She's currently watching Yo Gabba Gabba on the iPad. Why that show I do not know. She's never wanted to watch it before.

I've been doing pretty good in the reading department so far this year. I challenged myself on Goodreads to read 175 books this year. It was around 150 last year. So far I've read 15, so that's pretty good start to the year. Now actually saying something profound about them, who knows?

L is growing like a weed and starting to get attitude. But the moments of cuteness make me forget just how much they work me up. Supermom, I am not. But I still do love being home with her despite everything.


Wendy said...

Question nothing. Just enjoy the peace that Yo Gabba Gabba is currently providing :)

I've challenged myself to 100 on GoodReads. 100 seems to be the max I can hit, and even then I fudge it a bit by counting novellas and DNF's I invested a decent amount of time on.

Nicole said...

I get lucky in reading in that my husband likes to go to bed early-ish and I head in at the same time most nights. So that gives me a few hours of reading time almost every night.

I'm really surprised at how much PNR/UF I've read so far. I thought I'd been burned out on it, but I wonder if I'm just having good luck in what I've been picking.