Cinderella Lopez by Berta Platas


Title: Cinderella Lopez
Author: Berta Platas
Published Date: April 2006
Series: n/a
Rating: B
Previous books of author enjoyed (if any): n/a
New to me author?: Yes


Fifteen-year-old Cynthia Lopez made a promise to her dying father: she will live with her two stepsisters, Ami and Lila, until she turns 25, at which point she'll inherit his large estate. Now, nine years later, twenty-four-year-old Cyn is counting down the days to that fateful birthday. At first, living with Ami and Lila had been fun, even exciting at times. Two of New York's hottest It-Girls, they know all the right people, own all the right things, and go to all the right parties. Sensible Cyn used to be content hiding in the shadows of her larger-than-life sisters. Now, Cyn is finally wising up and realizing that she is no longer stepsister to the stars--she is personal assistant/slave to the stars (or Las Diablas, as the Latin press likes to call them). And, when Prince Charming enters, Cyn must go head-to-head with her truly wicked stepsisters in order to win back her father's fortune, her perfect man, and, most importantly, her life.


This was an impulse grab at work.  I vaguely remembered seeing something about it somewhere on the web, but for the life of me, I can't remember.  Went home with a rather upset stomach from work and so crashed on the couch downstairs with this book.  Finished in only a few hours (with intermittent dashes to the bathroom, of course you needed to know that) and came away with a smile on my face.

I'm a sucker for fairy tale stories and this one works well.   I like the Latin vibe and the music scene comes across just as crazy as one would imagine.  Cyn's a very down-to-earth person and I really liked how her and Eric interacted.  They just seem to fit.

I also liked how the Cinderella elements really worked well in the novel, yet didn't seem forced or put in just because.  If, like me, you like a cute fairy tale-based story, I recommend picking this one up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy fairy-tale stories and plots, too. I especially like a fantasy called Never After by Rebecca Lickiss, which parodies several fairy-tales. It's one of my favorite books.
P.S. My cat is half laying on my laptop as I type this!