The Compass Rose by Gail Dayton

The Compass Rose by Gail Dayton - Go forth and read it!

One desperate call to the gods...
One blast of extraordinary magic...
One gift of unimaginable power...

The legends of the Godstruck were just that - legends. Until, in an attempt to defend her people, Captain Kallista Varyl called on the One for aid and was granted abilities such as no one had seen in centuries.

Now Kallista has been charged with a new destiny as one of the most powerful women in the land- but her power is useless if it cannot be controlled. Mastering her “Godstruck” abilities is the first step. The next, learning that she cannot unlock the secrets of the Compass Rose and defeat her nation's enemy alone. And finally she must stop a demon-possessed king....

The Compass Rose: fourfold magic barely understood-or contained....

Since Sarah did a much better review of this than I will ever do, I'm sending you over to Smart Bitches to read her review. This is one really really good book. Now I'm in the middle of the second one, The Barbed Rose and still feeling the love. *grin* I love it when I find good books.

So thank you, Sarah, for making me finally pick up this book after it wallowed on the TBR shelf for ages.


Anonymous said...

Can you tell me more about the polyamorous relationship? I don't really get it from the review.

Nicole said...

Well....all the godstruck end up in one big marriage called an ilian. And Kallistra ends up sleeping with all the guys. And they in turn can sleep with any of the women. It's fairly straightforward. But works really well.

Anonymous said...

Is there a central relationship? Do you feel connected to any particular couple? Is there a motivation for all the characters to being married?

Nicole said...

There really isn't a central relationship. Yes, there's motivation for them being married. For one, the emotional connectiveness is needed for the magic.

But this also isn't supposed to be a romance. More a fantasy with stronger romantic elements than most.