Thought you all might like some pictures I took at Crystal Lake Cave on Saturday.

And this last one is the view from the back of the place we stayed at.

But now it's time for me to head to bed. I do plan to get a bunch of posts in this week on books I've read! So never fear, I'm here. *g* Just much busier than I've been in the last two years!
Is it wrong that I look at the pictures and imagine the insides of some monster?
Maybe too much sci-fi watching and not enough 'getting out in the world' action.
Cindy, i was thinking the same thing.... first couple pics look like a "rotting mouth"
Love the view of the backyard though.
One of the stalactites (or are they the upside down ones?) looks like a penis to me. Or is it just me? *g*
You know, I'm so glad those pix reminded others of odd things.
I can't stand caves, actually. My secret claustrophobia.
I'm glad you've been so busy, it's all been good, right?
Glad I'm not the only one who thought they looked like something other than caves. They're just.....wierd!
It just came to me! The cave looks ike my father's colonoscopy picture that he has hanging on the refrigerator! hahahaha
ROFL, love all the comments.
But really, it was cool. It's a living cave, so we couldn't touch anything(other than the walls where it got tight).
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