
Well, as you all know, I really haven't been updating things lately. I'm not quite sure what's up, other than I feel stressed out for no reason. I think I need to stand back and take a look at things. I keep wanting to post things here, but when I sit down, nothing comes to me. I've read a number of good books, and usually I'd feel compelled to come here and write about them, but lately I just haven't been able to make myself do it. I compose the posts in my head, but when it comes time to do it on the computer, I can't.

I keep thinking I need to do something. I'd almost say I'm depressed, but I hate the idea of being that way again after how hard to was during college (and before). But anyways, I feel kinda lost. So, I'm going to put the blog on hold for a bit. But I'm still around, just putting the blog on hiatus.


Mailyn said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time. Depression is just horrible and I do hope you get better soon. We are here if you need to talk and I know I'll be checking to see if you come back soon! :-)


Suisan said...

I've gone through periods onteh blog where I don't post for a while and I feel guilty about it.

The I announced that I wasn't going to post for a while and during that period I REALLY wanted to post.

SO then I cam e back to post and it took me a while to really get back into the swing again. Thought that was all quite weird. ;)

I've been doing a lot of re-examination recently, and I've been stressed, and I've been mildly depressed too. A friend said, after I told her my woes, that it sounded as if I were inthe flux of change, that I couldn't feel comfortable anywhere because I was changing everything all at once. That sounded about right. At least for me.

So hang in there, and I'll keep checking bakc to see if you decide to put anything up. (Or email me if you wish, if you want someone to talk to about the depression.)

Take good care, Suisan

dancechica said...

I totally understand how you feel. Depression is awful. But like Mailyn and Suisan says, we are here if you need to talk and when you feel like blogging again, we'll be back here again too; I'll keep checking! *hugs* :-)

~ames~ said...

Hey Nicole, hope the break from blogging helps and I hope you feel better soon too. :P

Lori said...

(((Hugs))) Hope you're back to your old self soon :)

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I know it too well. Wishing the best while you're on break -- and will be glad to see you around, even if it's not here. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon, Nicole. Depression is tough to tame, best wishes. I'll keep checking back.

Kristie (J) said...

I can relate to depression. We each handle it differently. For me, blogging has increased, but I can also see where blogging can be more of an added stress - the need to feel you have to. So just do what feels right for you!