On another note, I had a fun day today

Husband and I went to a pet show expo this morning. Was quite fun. They had agility and obedience trial exhibitions as well as lots and lots of dogs that people brought, including this HUGE, but very obedient Great Dane. And I saw German Shepherd Dogs. I LOVE GSDs. The local humane society was out in force and had this cute little kitten that was full of energy and kept chasing its tail. Very cute. And...I got to pet a tiger. So it was a cub....it was a TIGER. OMG, it was SO adorable. I want a tiger. Also got to see a doberman get scared of a sleeping tortoise.

Also went to a local bar where alumni from our college were getting together to watch our college hockey team play on tv. Amazingly enough, we won (we're having a bad season, if you check it out, we have a kick-ass hockey history). GO FIGHTING SIOUX HOCKEY!!!!!!!!! Ah, college hockey...

Also watched Moving Up on TLC. I'm beginning to really like this show. It's always fun to see what the previous owners think of what the new owners have done to their house. I love to watch TLC. What Not To Wear is another favorite. I sorta stopped being interested in watching Trading Spaces all the time.


Anonymous said...

I love pet shows too, just love animals. Except the mountain cat we saw while skiing two days ago ... wasn't crazy about that, LOL!

Nicole said...

They had a mountain lion there too, but it was sleeping. With it's head in the water dish. We couldnt figure out how it could possible sleep with the baboon screeching next to it.