I'm shocked and amazed

My library...it has Ellora's Cave books. Not ones I feel like reading right now, but they are there. Two of Patrice Michelle's vampire romances. Cool. I'm rather impressed with my library. Kinda makes up for them putting all the mass market paperbacks in the back of the library in only the most rudimentary of order.


lost said...

Oh, yes. One of those PM vampire books has some weird descriptions that almost had me choking on laughter. I think I'm the only one who is childish enough to notice this, though.

CindyS said...

So, are they shelved where 12 and 13 year olds can't get to them? I'm just wondering if they are paperbagged ;) With the cover art on some of the books I would be worried about kids. And I don't have any!


Nicole said...

Well, they're probably just in the adult section of the library. At 12 and 13, kids know what they should and should not read. And if they're curious, well it's not going to kill them or scar them forever.