Crankiness, etc

Cramps => Cranky => Crabby = a not-so-happy Nicole

So...instead of the post on Fever by Kimberly Dean, I'm just going to say I enjoy the story and it was lots of fun to read. Definitely recommended if you want something short. I figure it was high time I started reading some of the ebooks that have languished unread in my iPaq.

Oh, decided I hadn't bought ebook in awhile so last night I made a run to Ellora's Cave and bought some. Midnight Man by Lisa Marie Rice was on sale and supposedly rewritten and reedited, so I bought that. Also bought Scarlet Woman by SHelley Munro since I've loved most of her books. Then decided I'd buy some more, but since I couldn't decide on anything, I went with books of authors whose blogs I read. So in went Twice Upon a Roadtrip by Shannon Stacey and Misled by Sylvia Day.

Now, I'm going to go sit on the couch and read and watch TV and hope these damn cramps go away. *pout*


Megan Frampton said...

Cramps are really the worst, aren't they? At least, though, men have to give you sympathy because clearly there is no way they can relate, and you can just stare them down if they even imply any of their pain is as grueling as cramps. Have fun reading!

CindyS said...

Ugh. I feel for you. I have a friend who has never had a cramp in her life. I figure she's really a man ;)

Go forth and drug up (that's what I do - I know a real surprise) find a warm blanket and a cozy corner to read or sleep.
