My Waldenbooks trip and jury duty...

I asked Nick nicely to make a run to Waldenbooks tonight. It's on the other side of town and we were planning to go tomorrow, but I figured it would be less crowded tonight. I came back with quite a nice haul! Of course, I left my list at home and spent quite awhile perusing the stacks to find the books I wanted to get. They didn't all jump out at me the first time, or the second, or the third...

Oh...did I mention I spent all of $8.55 after my coupons and giftcards? Getting books makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Getting a good deal on books....I'm feeling positively toasty. Though does the cover of Tender is the Knight look right for a book that says it starts in 1876? The guy on it looks yummy, though. Oh, and Forbidden Magic looks meaty. 440 pages. I love a good long book.

Oh...I saw something interesting at Waldenbooks. They carry Loose Id print books among the NCP and EC books. I'd never seen LI books in a store.

Good thing I got some books as I get to appear for jury duty Monday morning. And walk in the snow across a bridge to get to the courthouse from the parking garage. Well, I do have to call again Sunday night to confirm. Something about cases getting settled over the weekend.

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