Well, here's Gambit, the cat we adopted today. He's about 2 to 4 years old (papers didn't agree). Very friendly and likes to be where we are. So far he's adjusted well. Was rather hard to get a picture of his face as he seems to always be in motion. Isn't he cute? And can you believe I got a non-black cat?
Woohoo! He's adorable and looks just like my kitty (Bailey) who is also a grey tabby. Have fun with him!
He looks almost exactly like my oldest cat's son!!!! Except his is a she. She lived with us for over a year when Brent moved back and we still miss her. I'm this close to talking Ron into getting another cat. We (I) have one already picke out - just waiting for that final OK. I'm so happy you got your cat!!!
Pretty Kitty! :) Gorgeous colorations. I can't have cats due to allergies, but I love those particular kind. I hope you have a Happy New Year!!!!
lol well, actually, we have allergies too. But we both take drugs for them that do pretty good. And my doc said after about a year you acclimate to them. It's just dealing with that year. :-)
Beautiful Kitty! We have 5 cats, and I feed a couple of strays.
Found your blog about a month ago. Glad to know there are those out there who loves books as much as I do!
You're back! Gambit is gorgeous and has a huge squeeeee factor going for him.
Is this the first cat you have had or am I missing the other posts about umpteen animals in the house? Just curious.
I am allergic to cats also. When I moved in with Bob he had two cats who slept on the bed. I had to wash the linens everyday to get the cat hair off. For one year my sinuses were always clogged. After the year was up, I was fine but I still washed the bedding every other day ;)
You do get acclimated to them as long as it is only an allergy and not paired with asthma - that's a whole other kettle.
Glad you are back online!
Oh, and Happy New Year (almost)
He's so beautiful! Congratulations, Nicole!
He's the only cat we've had. I grew up with cats, but college sorta got in the way of things.
And yeah...shouldn't mention that I do have asthma, but it's controlled very well with meds. Don't even remmeber the last time I used my inhaler, though I always have it around.
He's cute Nicole!!!
Gambit is a big cutie. I'm envious your allergies and asthma aren't so bad you can take drugs to help out--I end up hospitalized when I'm around the sweet little things. I always wanted a cat.
Good luck with him!
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